What should be done about the staff? They go home to their families and then return to the condo to work each day.

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What should be done about the staff? They go home to their families and then return to the condo to work each day.

Some condo boards around the country have elected to take building staffers’ temperature when they report for work. Almost universally, based on current community health concerns, the employer is allowed to use a universal, non-invasive screening measure.

An employer can also ask an employee to stay home or leave work if he or she exhibits symptoms of the COVID-19 coronavirus or the flu. The management is permitted to ask them to seek medical attention and get tested for COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control states that employees who exhibit symptoms of influenza-like illness at work during a pandemic should leave the workplace.

If an employee tests positive for COVID-19, management should send home all employees who worked closely with that employee for a 14-day period to ensure the infection does not spread. Before the employee departs, it is important to ask him or her to identify all individuals who worked in close proximity (three to six feet) in the previous 14-days to ensure you have a full list of those who should be sent home.

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